RMK College – Gummidipoondi RMK college – AICTE – IST sponsored Induction program on Design & Development of Products & Services from 16/11 to 21/11 2020
RMK College – Gummidipoondi RMK college – AICTE – IST sponsored Induction program on Design & Development of Products & Services from 16/11 to 21/11 2020
Two Day Training Webinar SAE INDIA Western Section and D-Espat Pvt. Ltd. Chennai are jointly organizing a Two Day Training Webinar on “Design for Manufacture and Assembly” on 11th & 12th December 2020 during 8:30 am to 4:45 pm.
Latest Events 1. SAE Southern Section 27-28 Sep 2019 D-ESPAT with SAE India Conducted Top Tech on DFMA at Chennai. The participants are from DiffferentIndustry,Student,Faculty had attended the program (http://saeiss.org/saeiss/uploads/2019/09/DFMA-Invitation.pdf) 2. SAE Western Section 27 June 2020 D-ESPAT with SAE Western section conducted DFMA Cost conscious-Profitable Product Design through Webinar.The participants are from DiffferentIndustry,Student,Faculty had […]
Whirlpool 17-18 Feb 2020 D-ESPAT Conducted 2 day DFMA Training program to Whirlpool India, Pune. The participants are from Multi-Disciplinary Team include Dish washer team, Washing machine, Refrigerator, Designers, Sourcing, Should costing team .we had a real whirlpool sheet metal part DFM analysis and explained the Cost Benefits .
EATON 30 sep-1 oct 2019 D-ESPAT Conducted Two day DFMA Training program to Eaton India, Pune. The partcipants are from Different multi disciplinary team include should costing, DFMA ,Electrical should costing team, Sourcing ,Design Engineers. We had interesting session with real practical Eaton Part DFMA Analysis Previous Next
BITS PILANI 28-29 May 2019 D-ESPAT conducted two day FDP-Faculty Development program to Bits faculty on the topic of DFMA. Many faculties attended the program. At end of training we had a group exercise on DFMA which all faculties participated interestly. Previous Next
IIITDM-Kancheepuram -7 May 2019 IIITDM Kancheepuram Conducted DFAM-Design for Additive Manufacturing 2019 one week program.D-ESPAT Conducted 1 day Program “Design for Assembly” at IITDM Kncheepuram.participants from company,faculty attended the program.Part count reduction and Design for Assembly was Main topic in program. Previous Next
Dr.Mahalingam college-Dec 3 2019 Dr.Mahalingam College With AICTE conducted Two weeks FDP on Design. Manufacture, Assembly and Environment for product Innovation and optimization. D-ESPAT Conducted one day overview on DFMA to Faculties, Student.
We introduce a new approach to DFMA training and wish to share with you for your review.It includes a Training kit called the MOTOR ASSEMBLY SYSTEM. This kit contains actual parts of a real project that have to be assembled. This MOTOR ASSEMBLY SYSTEM will have 2 kits, one present design and one revised design […]